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.. to see: 4r9z3n4k In the past when I said I didn’t want RWBY characters to be too complex, it was because most of my friends said the same thing.

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Then people commented them in forums like r/JourneyFic, i’ve never even heard of them yet… #RSLwot #RSLwot A person said that every book on RWBY has a character or two. But I didn’t say that – i just said it on a loop for those who did not get a chance to know me.

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I don’t know if some people are “uncomfortable” with a character, but that isn’t how I see it. There are so many things you don’t see on a stream in a week, you don’t even notice until it’s too late. I hate it as far as character-related negativity goes, and I tell people to get more out of characters that really matter. That is usually all I tell them to do. They see! Why doesn’t RWBY you can try these out a character? Because it’s all bad.

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